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Sanni's agility album
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Photos: Svein Ivar Engevold and Hilde Løken

This picture shows Sanni's full brother Allu (FIN S EST RUS CH Cinnaberry's Smooth Talker) who competes in the advanced agility class (3) in Finland with good results! In Finland the speed at the agility course is generally very high, so it is a merit in itself just to be able to compete successfully on the highest level in this country. The photo has been borrowed from www.cinnaberry.com
These photos show the Danish owned female Poulsgaards Be My Dream. She holds the title "Agility dog of the year 2003" in Denmark, and proves very nicely that the smooth collie may be a very fast and accurate breed on the agility course! Photo: Svein Ivar Engevold